author’s note

I am absolutely gutted by the timeliness of this book. I thought I was writing a book about the papercuts of generational trauma. Nothing tragic had happened to me and I thought hearing from such a voice might resonate with other folks who felt trapped by our systems of oppression, even if our shackles weren’t obvious and were in fact informed by privilege. 

The manuscript was already under production prior to the events of October 7, 2023. To be fair, everything was already “under production” prior to that date, right?  

We are in a trauma pile up. Our generational trauma has reached a threshold that can no longer be contained. The oppressed and the oppressor have been bound together in a web of cruelty designed by survivalism and sponsored by power and greed. The vitriol and hypocrisy is unbearable and real people continue to be trapped in unthinkable situations and on it goes… 

Written for the future, this book is the vehicle for my evolution. It details the beginning stages of my transformation. Since then the shift in me has been even more painful than I anticipated, but also more freeing than I could have ever imagined. 

In the wake of everything, “not in my name” resonates not only as my response to the Palestinian crisis, but also as a broad reminder that generational trauma can, in fact, end with me, with you, with US. 

It appears that these words which I naively documented herein are part of a collective blueprint available to help us create a better reality. Thanks for joining me.